Friday, February 15, 2008

Tampa Photographers Meet-Up Take 2

Our friend and fellow photographer Courtney Fries asked us to check and see if we had any pictures from our meet up the other week that had her wearing her fancy shirt and matching Shootsac. Sadly we couldn't find a single one! But here are a few other photos that Chris and I thought we'd share. Chris took most of these so give him some love!

Photographer or model... its hard to tell =)

Courtney says she'd rather not be on this side of camera. She could've fooled me!

Great shot of Shem.

I really love this shot of Shem.

Nick totally workin' it for the camera.

And the gorgeous Courtney.

Nick being a ham.


Armin de Fiesta said...

Courtney is beautiful & striking, I don't see what the problem is! And Shem is a gem, lol! Nick is lookin' super cool in his hero jump shot :) Nice job with these Chris!

Anonymous said...

Hi! My name is Theresa, I dont really remember how I stumbled upon your blog...but I would love to participate the next time you do a meetup! I am an aspiring photographer in Palm Harbor. You can view some of my work here:
and my email is:

Thanks! And love your work!

Visitors since 1/20/2008